четверг, 17 августа 2017 г.

How does the penis enlarge?

This question so exhausted Ilya Kolmanovsky that we instructed him to understand the modern possibilities of phalloplasty.
Photo 1 - How does the penis increase? Natural Designer


Increasing the diameter of the penis is the oldest kind of phalloplasty. The main practices of the civilizations of the past - the bites of poisonous insects, the injection of various substances into the skin of the foreskin, the implantation of balls there - still have direct heirs. Thus, in the army and in prison, it is widely practiced to inject vaseline under the skin of the penis. The diameter increases, but in part the meaning of this procedure is in the sufferings carried by the victim; Something like a rite of initiation (remember the Kenyan tribes, whose circumcision is carried out at the age of 13 as a test of the fortress of the spirit). Suffering really is: in addition to a painful injection, oleogranuloma begins from Vaseline - a purulent swelling, which must be painfully cleansed at the cost of several operations.
Modern medical practice of increasing the diameter of the penis "for half an hour": the introduction under the skin of gels, own fat or wrapping plates of synthetic materials. But all these "makeweights", as a rule, are at best exorcised, often asymmetrically and with other unpleasant effects.
Borovikov tells me about two more advanced, but also hard ways of increasing the diameter:
- First, wrap your own tissue with a flap. A fragment of skin with subcutaneous fat is taken from the buttocks. Further everything is simple: the penis is subjected to the operation degloving, turns into a received "blanket" and again wraps up with its own skin. Success depends on whether the vessels will grow into a new flap.
The second method: transplanting a muscle flap with a bundle of own vessels. They are sewed together with the vessels of the penis, and the flap is well established.
It should be noted that as the diameter increases, the penis slightly sags under its own weight, but this effect is negligible.
Increasing penis length Contrary to all advertising claims, medical science still rests on a key limitation: the length of the cavernous body shell. They can not be cut, insert an extension cylinder and sew back (there are single messages about such operations, but the effect is not confirmed). So doctors are forced to cheat, pulling additional centimeters from the pelvis.
The fact is that the root of the penis is up to 50% of its length. Having released several centimeters of trembling flesh, the skin is sutured. The shape of the seam is similar to the letter Y (the leg of the letter Y - this is the centimeters won).
The strongest effect is seen when a proud patient is in the neighborhood of us near a urinal or in a bath. However, if the erection of the penis is upward, it returns to its original position, to the pelvis, so that the gain is not so great.
A somewhat weakened foundation can not but affect in some situations, but after penetration it is no longer important. The quality of frictions will not suffer, unless it is a question of violent actions.
"There was also a Dutch technique like Elizarov's apparatus, " says Professor Borovikov, " two rings were worn on the penis, one resting on the pubis, the other supporting the head, and the spacers between them were controlled with wheels. This stretching - half a centimeter a year - does not give anything, because when you get an erection, the "airships" are inflated several times, and they do not remember that someone was stretching them in the hanging state.

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